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Example Files


Download a selection of example scene files to get started in Cavalry. All the examples below are available to download via Scenery – the community for everything Cavalry.


Text, Sleep, Repeat

This uses a Text Shape with a String Manipulator set to Transition. Scrubbing the Percentage simply transitions the string on the Text Shape to the string entered in Final Text on the Manipulator. The String Arrays are used to create the multi-line text via a Duplicator. By using the Group as the Duplicator's Input Shape the colored backgrounds are also duplicated and adjust to fit the width of the Text.


A Line Shape connected to a Duplicator. There’s an Oscillator then used as a Deformer on the Line (with Use Normals checked). A Stagger is then connected to the Oscillator’s Frequency to offset each line. Check out this tutorial for how to put this together in under a minute.


A Circle is used as the Input Shape on a Duplicator with its Distribution set to Point. A Stagger Behaviour is then used to stagger the Radius of each duplicated Circle. An Oscillator is then connected to Shape Position on the Duplicator. Scrub the Stagger value on the Oscillator to change the effect.


A Basic Line (rotated to 45º) under a Group (because the Duplicator ignores top level shape transforms). The Group is then added to a Duplicator. We’re then using a Value Array with values of 0 and 90 and then a Value Behaviour (with a Falloff) connected to its Array Index. The Falloff acts as a switch between those two values. There’s also a JS Math node used to create a relationship between the line Length and the Size attributes on the Grid Distribution. This isn’t really necessary but means that when the Line length is changed, the Distribution Size updates.😎

Joy Rig

A demo of our Rig Control and Keyframe Layers features. Best to check out the links for how it all comes together. 😉

Ring Ting

Dots are positioned in a ring using a Duplicator. The Path Distribution's Input Path (a circle) is then being deformed by a Noise Behaviour. A Falloff is then used to determine the strength of the Noise.

An Arc is duplicated via a Point Distribution with a Value Array used to specify their rotations so they a placed opposite each other. That Duplicator then goes into a second Duplicator to form a simple pattern which is then animated via the Shape Rotation attribute. The animation curves are set to Loop with Offset in the Graph Editor.


The Circle has a Gradient Shader (set to Conical) on an Overlay Blend Mode. It also has a Blur Filter with an Oscillator connected to its Amount. Play with the Stagger attribute on the Oscillator to alter the offset values.

Optical Art

Mind your 👀! The Circle is being masked by another circle (Mask). Position.x of the Mask is then connected to a Stagger Behaviour. We're then using an Oscillator to animate the Stagger's Maximum attribute. One Duplicator creates the horizontal layout while the other stacks them vertically. We're then using a Modulate connected to the Shape Rotation of the vertical Duplicator to create a pattern (0,180) to flip-flop the rows.


An example using Cavalry to mock up UI elements. A Value2 is connected to the Offset of the Drop Shadow Filter. The Value 2 has a Falloff added to it. Anything within the Falloff receives the Value whereas anything outside it does not (note we've added an Offset of 2 to ensure there's always some shadow). Moving the Falloff over each shape creates the illusion of a button press.


The rectangle is being rotated using a Frame via a Frame. It's then duplicated along a Rectangle (Path) using a Path Distribution. Note that Vectorise is checked on the rectangle and some Edge Divisions are set. This converts the rounded corners from bezier to 'lines' to improve the resulting deformation from the Noise.

Night and Day

This example is more of a ‘rig’. The Null is connected to various layers via some Value and Value2 Behaviours. These are being used as multipliers for Position on a Mask (Moon), the Length of a Line (Sun), the Count on a Duplicator (Stars) and Color (Sky). By moving the Null left/right the scene transfers from Night to Day. Note that position.y on the Null is 'locked' using the Limit Position attributes. Inspired by this article.

Quad Tree

Duplication via a Sub-Mesh Distribution and the Quad Tree Shape to position and scale other compositions. This example also demonstrates how complexity can be created by varying the 3 input shapes using Noise and Random behaviours.


A Rectangle and Text Shape are grouped (Items) and then added to a Duplicator set to a Linear Distribution. A Google Sheet has then been imported and connected to 3 separate Spreadsheet Utilities. The Column Title is then set on each Spreadsheet for Label, Value and Color (the names in the 1st row of the linked Google Sheet). Each Spreadsheet is linked to Height and Color of the Bar and Text for the Label. Note that the Value Spreadsheet is remapped using a Number Range to translate the relatively large values in the data to values that fit within the Composition. An Align Behaviour is connected to the Bar's Deformer attribute so that its base stays in place.