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3D Matrix


Apply 3D transformations to Shapes and Sub-Meshes.


Common Attributes +

Position - Set the X and Y position.

Position Z - Set the Z position.

Rotation - Set the X and Y rotation.

Rotation Z - Set the Z rotation.

Align X - Align the pivot point to the Shape’s bounding box for rotation around the X axis. A value of -1 will position the pivot to the left edge, a value of 1 will set it to the right edge.

Align Y - Align the pivot point to the Shape’s bounding box for rotation around the Y axis. A value of -1 will position the pivot to the bottom edge, a value of 1 will set it to the top edge.

Use Levels - Affect different levels of the Shape's hierarchy. See Sub-Mesh for more info.

Level Mode - These presets set the Level value:

  • Custom... - Manually set a Custom Level.
  • Text (Lines) - Sets a Level value of 1.
  • Text (Words) - Sets a Level value of 2.
  • Text (Characters) - Sets a Level value of 3.

Custom Level - Manually set the Level value.

  1. Create a Shape.
  2. In the Attribute Editor, click the + button on the Deformers attribute.
  3. Choose 3D Matrix.
  4. Double click the 3D Matrix in the Scene Window to load it into the Attribute Editor.
  5. Scrub the Rotation X attribute.

The Shape will rotate around its X axis to give the appearance of a three dimensional object.