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Distortion Filter


Distort Shapes by sampling a Shader.

Photo by Charlie Harris on Unsplash


Common Attributes +

Amplitude - Determine the strength of the distortion.

Sample Mode - Determine how the Input Shader is sampled. See Common Attributes.

Invert - Reverse the values of the Input Shader — values of 0-1 are inverted to 1-0.

Direction Mode - Set the type of distortion:

  • Lens - Push the pixel coordinates towards or away from the centre. Values above 0.5 will move away from the centre, values below 0.5 will move towards the centre.
  • Directional - Push the pixel coordinates along a direction specified by the Direction Angle. Values above 0.5 will move along the Direction Angle, values below 0.5 will move in the opposite direction. e.g. the Direction Angle - 180.
  • Warp - Push the the pixel coordinates in an direction where a pixel's value is remapped to a direction. Values of 0-1 are remapped to angles of 0˚-360˚.

Curve Interpolation - Determine how values from the Distortion Shader are remapped (only active when Direction Mode is set to Lens):

  • Sine Wave - Use sine wave (s-curve) remapping. This will create a smoother distortion.
  • Linear - Use linear remapping.

Distortion Offset - Increase/ decrease the distortion. Note - not applicable when the Direction Mode is set to Warp.

Automatic Padding - Automatically adjust the bounding box of the Shape based on the result of the distortion. Note - only applicable when the Direction Mode is set to Directional or Warp.

Padding - Manually adjust the bounding box of the Shape to show/ clip the result of the distortion.

Direction Angle - Set the angle for the Directional Direction Mode.

Use Single Direction - Push pixels in one direction when the Direction Mode is set to Directional. All values above 0 will be moved along the Direction Angle.