Glow Filter
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Add a glow effect to a Shape with optional granular controls for individual RGB channels.

Blend Mode - Determine how the Filter blends with the Shape. See Blend Modes.
Mode - Determine how the color channels are affected:
- Simple Controls - Settings affect all the color channels together.
- Individual Channel Controls - Affect each color channel individually.
Glow Radius - Set how far the glow extends from the Shape.
Intensity - Increase/decrease the intensity of the glow.
Red Glow Radius - Set how far the glow in the red channel extends from the Shape.
Green Glow Radius - Set how far the glow in the green channel extends from the Shape.
Blue Glow Radius - Set how far the glow in the blue channel extends from the Shape.
Intensity RGB - Increase/decrease the intensity of the glow for the red/green/blue channels.
Glow Tint - Set a color to multiply the input glow values with.
Source Gamma - Set a threshold to adjust the luminance values of the Glow's input using an inverse gamma adjustment. Decrease this value to restrict the Glow to the brighter values of the source image. The Draw Mode set to Glow Input can be used to preview the resulting input.
Source White Point - Adjust the Glow input’s white point. A value of 0.5
will result in all luminance values greater than 0.5
being set to white.
Draw Mode - Set the draw mode:
- Result - Output the resulting glow.
- Glow Input - Display a preview of any Gamma and White Point adjustments to the source image.