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SLA Shader


Create novel noise effects.


The SLA Shader is kindly provided under licence by David Farmer in celebration of the life of Mark Coleran.


Common Attributes +

Color A - Set a color for the noise to interpolate with Color B.

Color B - Set a color for the noise to interpolate with Color A.

Noise Type - Select the noise type:

Octaves - The number of octaves over which the noise function is calculated. Use a higher value to increase the amount of detail in the noise pattern.

Scale - Increase/decrease the scale of the noise.

Offset - Offset the noise position in x/y.

Gamma - Set the gamma correction applied to the input values where values greater/less than 1 will darken/lighten a Layer.

Displacement - Increase this value to create more turbulent noise.

Time - This attribute is automatically connected to the Composition's frame number. Disconnect it for static Noise.

Time Scale - Increase/decrease the speed of the noise.