Particle Shape
This is an experimental feature. To enable, check Enable Experimental Features in Preferences. Experimental features are only available as part of a Professional licence.
⚠️ Note that this is a technical preview. It's possible Scenes may not be 100% compatible with future versions of Cavalry.
Features may change so documentation is currently very light. Jump on Discord to ask any questions.
The Particle system consists of several Layers:
- Particle Shape - The 'core' which hosts the other features.
- Emitters - Defines where Particles appear from and how many are added to the Composition:
- Modifiers - Fields which can be used to change a Particle's Attributes.
A quick way to get started is to click the Particle Shape icon in the Shelf and hit play. This will add a Particle Shape and a connected Particle Emitter to the Composition.
The Particle Distribution can be used to attach geometry to each Particle or, for example, to use a Particle Shape as the input to a Connect Shape (or any Layer that uses a Distribution).
- Shape
- Masks
- Visual
- Advanced
Time - This attribute is connected to the Composition's Time to animate the Particles on each frame. The connection can be replaced with keyframes or another Behaviour if required.
Start Frame - Set the frame the Particle simulation will start on.
Seed -
Lifespan - Set
Emitters - Connect Emitters to this attribute to define where Particles will spawn from.
Modifiers - Modifiers can be used to manipulate the Particles movements and properties. They can be 'stacked' where each Modifier adds to the one below it.
Turbulence - Add noisy movement to the Particles.
Gravity - Set the strength and direction of a force to accelerate the Particles along.
Drag Force - Set the strength of a force acting opposite to the relative motion of the Particles.
Mass - The mass of a Particle determines its rate of acceleration when a force is applied. A Particle with a higher mass will accelerate more slowly.
Number of Particles - (Read only) The current number of Particles being emitted.
Shape Style - Set the shape for the Particles:
- Square - Emit square Particles.
- Circle - Emit circular Particles.
- Input Shape - Emit Particles as custom Shapes.
Particle Radius -
Input Shape - When Shape Style is set to Input Shape, connect a Shape to be used for the Particles.
Scale Over Lifespan - Use a graph to set a Particle's scale over its lifespan where the top left of the graph is a multiplier of 1 at the Particle's birth and the bottom right is a multiplier of 0 at the Particle's death.
Scale Strength - A multiplier for a Particle's scale.
Start Rotation - Set an angle for a Particle at its birth.
Rotation Over Lifespan - Set an angle each Particle will rotate in over the course of its lifespan.
Rotation Scalar - Use a graph to set the interpolation of a Particles rotation over the course of its lifespan where the bottom left of the graph is the start rotation at the Particle's birth and the top right is the end rotation at at the Particle's death.
Color Mode - Determine whether a Particle's color is effected by its lifespan
- Color - Set a color for the Particles.
- Color Over Lifespan - Use a gradient to set a Particle's color based on its age.
Gradient Mode - Select an interpolation for the gradient.
Color Over Lifespan - A Particle's color will evolve from the left to the right of the the gradient over its lifespan. See also Visual Modifier for more options.
Image Blend Mode - Where at Input Image is used, set its Blend Mode.
Image Quality -
Input Image -
Image Sequence Animation -
- Static -
- Animating -
Loop Sequence -
Image Index -
A Particle Shape differs in certain ways from other Shapes in order to handle high particle counts in a performant way. For example, it does not include a Fill or Stroke tab. Instead, the visual appearance can be affected via the Visual tab or using the Visual Modifier. It also doesn't output a Path which means it cannot be deformed, used with Layers like the Component Constraint or rendered to SVG.
In order to use a Particle Shape in this way, the Particle Distribution can be used alongside a Duplicator which does output a Path.