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Particle Shape

Experimental Feature

This is an experimental feature. To enable, check Enable Experimental Features in Preferences. Experimental features are only available as part of a Professional licence.


Technical Preview

⚠️ Note that this is a technical preview. It's possible Scenes may not be 100% compatible with future versions of Cavalry.

Features may change so documentation is currently very light. Jump on Discord to ask any questions.

The Particle system consists of several Layers:

A quick way to get started is to click the Particle Shape icon in the Shelf and hit play. This will add a Particle Shape and a connected Particle Emitter to the Composition.

Particle Distribution

The Particle Distribution can be used to attach geometry to each Particle or, for example, to use a Particle Shape as the input to a Connect Shape (or any Layer that uses a Distribution).


Common Attributes +

Time - This attribute is connected to the Composition's Time to animate the Particles on each frame. The connection can be replaced with keyframes or another Behaviour if required.

Start Frame - Set the frame the Particle simulation will start on.

Seed -

Lifespan - Set

Emitters - Connect Emitters to this attribute to define where Particles will spawn from.

Modifiers - Modifiers can be used to manipulate the Particles movements and properties. They can be 'stacked' where each Modifier adds to the one below it.

Turbulence - Add noisy movement to the Particles.

Gravity - Set the strength and direction of a force to accelerate the Particles along.

Drag Force - Set the strength of a force acting opposite to the relative motion of the Particles.

Mass - The mass of a Particle determines its rate of acceleration when a force is applied. A Particle with a higher mass will accelerate more slowly.

Number of Particles - (Read only) The current number of Particles being emitted.

Particles as a mesh

A Particle Shape differs in certain ways from other Shapes in order to handle high particle counts in a performant way. For example, it does not include a Fill or Stroke tab. Instead, the visual appearance can be affected via the Visual tab or using the Visual Modifier. It also doesn't output a Path which means it cannot be deformed, used with Layers like the Component Constraint or rendered to SVG.

In order to use a Particle Shape in this way, the Particle Distribution can be used alongside a Duplicator which does output a Path.