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Apply Text Material


Apply Text Fill can be used as a Material Behaviour on a Text Shape to set the materials of characters, lines, words or partial strings in a procedural way.


Mode - Choose a mode for the selection:

  • Regex - Set a Regular Expression to determine which parts of the string will be selected. There are several presets available at the top of the Attribute Editor UI.
  • Specific Indices - Manually enter the indices to determine which lines/words/ characters are selected.

Index Mode - When the Mode is set to Specific Indices, select which level is affected:

  • Line - Fill each line within the string defined by Specific Indices.
  • Word - Fill each word within the string defined by Specific Indices.
  • Character - Fill each character within the string defined by Specific Indices.

Specific Indices - When the Mode is set to Specific Indices, set the indices to select. Values should be comma , separated for lists or colon : separated for ranges. e.g. 0,1:3,8 will select indices 0, 1, 2, 3 and 8. You can also enter first or last to procedurally select those indices. Note that a space character is included as an index.

Regex - Enter a Regular Expression. See Working with Regex for more information.

Capture Group Indices - Where a Regular Expression includes capture groups, determine which groups are returned. Values should be comma , separated for lists or colon : separated for ranges. See Working with Regex for more information.

Overwrite Blend Mode - When checked, a Blend Mode can be set for the selection.

Blend Mode - Set the blend mode.

Filters - A list of connected Filters. Use the + button to create and connect a Filter or drag and drop an existing one to connect it.