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Falloffs can be used to isolate the strength of most Behaviours and Fields. By default, a Falloff outputs a value of 1 at its centre which falls off to 0 at its edges. This value is used as a multiplier for the Strength of the Behaviour(s) it is connected to and the Graph can be used to determine the speed the values fall off at.


Common Attributes +

Strength - A multiplier for the Falloff Graph attribute.

Shape Type:

  • Circle - The Falloff Graph is sampled radially.
  • Rectangle - The Falloff Graph is sampled in x and y.
  • Linear - The Falloff Graph is sampled in 1 dimension.

Size - Set the size of the Falloff.

Falloff Graph - See Graph Attribute.

Probability - The Falloff's value is used to produce a 1 or 0 (true or false) value. For example, a Falloff value of 0.5 would give you a 50% chance of getting a 1.

Seed - Changing this value will affect Probability.

Custom Color - When checked the Falloff will use the value set in Color. When unchecked the Label Color is used (the color used in the Scene Window).

Color - Set a color for the Falloff.

Enabled - When unchecked, the Falloff will output a value of 1 (the result being the same as if the Falloff wasn't there).


A Falloff can also be Enabled/Disabled in the Scene Window by selecting it and choosing Enable/Disable Falloff(s) in the right click contextual menu.


See Common Attributes (Falloff tab) for using Layer Modes with Behaviours.