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Get Sub-Mesh Transform


Get the transform (position, rotation, scale) of any Shape within a Sub-Mesh. For example, connect another Shape's position to pointId 4 of a Duplicator or Forge Dynamics Shape or the third character in a Text Shape.

See Sub-Mesh for more information on sub-meshes.


Input Shape - Connect a sub-mesh Shape (e.g. Duplicator, Text Shape etc).

Use Bounding Box - When checked, use the centre of the Sub-Mesh's bounding box rather than the Sub-Mesh's transform. This is useful when using a Text Shape as an Input Shape as there is no transform information provided for words or Lines within a Text Shape.

Level Mode - Choose which level(s) of the sub-mesh to affect.

  • Custom... - Manually set a Custom Level Range.
  • Text (Lines) - Used with a Text Shape, this will affect each line.
  • Text (Words) - Used with a Text Shape, this will affect each word.
  • Text (Characters) - Used with a Text Shape, this will affect each character.

Sub-Mesh Index - Set the Id for the sub-mesh Shape to target.

Position - A read only attribute that can be used to connect to another Shape's Position attribute.

Rotation - A read only attribute that can be used to connect to another Shape's Rotation attribute.

Scale - A read only attribute that can be used to connect to another Shape's Scale attribute.