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2.1.2 Release Notes

Release date: 11th June 2024

2.1 Release Notes
File Version Bump

Scenes created in Cavalry 2.1.1 or earlier will be converted when opening them in Cavalry 2.1.2. The file will be copied to a new Scene which will need saving – you'll notice the legacy Scene will be named <yourSceneName> [Converted].cv on opening. Any Scenes saved in 2.1.2 onwards will not be fully compatible with any previous versions of Cavalry.

New Features


Extract Sub-Meshes - Create a Shape by extracting specific child-meshes from another Shape.


  • Holding Q and scrubbing anywhere in the app now also supports timecodes.
  • New Select Attribute Keyframes in the Time Editor and Graph Editor contextual menus. Select an attribute in the Scene Tree or by clicking the attribute's keybar and then right click in the Time Editor to reveal the option.
  • The modal window to notify of missing fonts when opening a Scene will now only list each font once rather than for each Layer a missing font is used on.
  • The examples in Create > Demo Scenes are now added to a new Composition rather than the active Composition.
  • Blend Mode and Opacity attributes have been added to the Distortion Filter.
  • Flatten Shape Layers has a new Maintain Transforms attribute.

Notable Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the Glow Filter rendering incorrectly with non-centre aligned Text Shapes and frozen Shapes with offset pivots.
  • Fixed a specific issue where importing a .cvc could trigger a crash.
  • Fixed a regression with the Timeline Counter where the Filter Marker Color was being ignored and the Marker Color UI was not updating correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with occasional crashes related to running Cavalry on a second display which has been woken from sleep mode.
  • The Create > Demo Scenes > JavaScript > Closest Point example now works again – this was an issue with the API.
  • Fixed a crash with Extrude using Combine Meshes in combination with a Travel Deformer.