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Shape menu

Create Editable Primitives - When creating Primitives (e.g. an ellipse) via the tools, convert them to geometry.

Make Editable - Convert a Primitive (e.g. an ellipse) into geometry.

Make Editable Copy - Copy and convert a Primitive (e.g. an ellipse) into geometry.

Bake Selected Shape - Make a copy of a Shape with any deformation baked into it.

Separate - Convert all closed paths into separate shapes.

Separate to Editable - Convert all closed paths into separate shapes and convert to editable shapes.

Merge - Combine multiple shapes into one shape. Note - this is not a boolean.

Merge to Editable - Combine multiple shapes into one editable shape. Note - this is not a boolean.

Centre Pivot - Move the pivot to the centre of a Shape's bounding box.

Centre Pivot (Centroid) - Move the pivot to the Shape's centre of mass. This can also be useful for finding the optical centre of shapes.

Freeze Transform - Set the selected Shape's current transformations to zero.

Reset Transform - Reset the transform (position, rotation, scale, skew and pivot) to defaults.

Add Background to Selected - Create a Bounding Box connected to a Rectangle for each selected Shape and add each selected Shape to each Bounding Box's Input Shapes attribute.

Swap Fill/Stroke - Swap the state and Color of a Shape's Fill and Stroke. For example, if a Shape has a red Fill and no Stroke, running this command will result in a Shape with no Fill and a red Stroke. Note that this does not apply to Shaders.

Close Contour - Close an open Contour.

Open Contour - Open a closed Contour.

Join Contours - Join two end points of separate Contours on the same path to make one contour.

Split Path at Selection - Split a Path based on the selected points (maximum of 2).

  • Open Paths:
    • With a single point selected, split the Path into two open Contours at that point.
  • Closed paths:
    • With a single point selected, open the Path at that point.
    • With two points selected, split the Path into two closed Contours across those points.

Reverse Contour(s) - Reverse the direction of a Contour.

Set First Point - Set the selected point to Point Index 0.

Join Bézier Handle - If a bézier handle(s) is unlocked/broken, join it with its opposite handle so that moving one with also move the other.

Break Bézier Handle - If a bézier handle(s) is locked/joined to its opposite handle, break it so that the two can be moved independently.

Convert to Corner Point - Convert a bézier point to a corner point.

Convert to Bézier Point - Convert a corner point to a bézier point.

Delete Selected Points - Remove all selected points.

Delete Selected Points and Split Path - Remove all selected points and their associated edges.

Boolean (Union) - Combine the selected Shapes together.

Boolean (Subtract) - Remove the selected Shapes from the first selected Shape.

Boolean (Intersection) - Remove everything outside of the first selected Shape to leave only the overlapping areas.

Boolean (Exclude) - Show only the areas that do not overlap (the opposite of Intersect).


Booleans create a new Editable Shape from the result of a selection of Shapes. The first Shape is affected by any subsequent Shapes added to the selection.