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Show Rulers - Show/hide Rulers in the Viewport.

Show Guides - Show/hide Guides in the Viewport.

Ruler Options - Determine how the Ruler's values are displayed:

  • Origin in Centre - Values are 0,0 in the centre of the Composition.
  • Origin In Bottom Left - Values are 0,0 in the bottom left corner of the Composition.
  • Use Pixels - Display values as pixels.
  • Use Percentage - Display values as a percentage of the Composition's width/height.

Show Grid - Show/hide the Grid in the Viewport.

Show Pixel Grid - Show/hide the Pixel Grid in in the Viewport. The Pixel Grid will only appear at certain zoom levels depending on the size of the current Composition.

Show Composition Boundary - Show/hide the Composition Boundary. When enabled, a white border will be drawn around the Composition Boundary.

Show Layer Names on Hover - Show/hide Layer names for Pre-Selection Highlighting.

Show Viewport Tool Help - Show/hide the Viewport help overlay. It's also possible to use the checkbox in the Tool Settings window.

Viewport Quality - Set which features are rendered by the Viewport. This can be used to increase playback speed where required. Note - this setting does not affect final rendering.

  • Full - Full quality.
  • Draft - Removes Anti-aliasing and any Image Filtering (see Image Shader).
  • Minimal - As per Draft and also removes any Filters and Shaders.

Draw Outside Composition Boundary - Enable/ disable the display of Shapes beyond the edges of the Composition.

Draw Debug Information - Display useful information in the Viewport for the selected Shapes.

Snapping - Enable/ disable Viewport snapping.

Show Snapshot - Choose which saved Snapshot to show in the Viewport. Use Option/Alt + SnapShotNumber as a keyboard shortcut.

Save Snapshot - Save a Snapshot of the Viewport's current state to a slot.

Remove Snapshot - Remove a Snapshot from a slot. Saving a Snapshot to a slot will also overwrite any existing one.

Clear All Snapshots - Remove the Snapshots from all slots.

Zoom In - Step the Viewport zoom in.

Zoom Out - Step the Viewport zoom out.

Zoom - Set the zoom level for the Viewport.

Enter Full Screen - put the app into Full Screen mode.