Attribute Editor
The Attribute Editor is one of the central windows enabling the loading of UIs for each Layer in the Scene in order to manipulate attributes, set keyframes and make connections.
Each Layer's Attribute Editor UI contains a unique collection of Attributes which are contained within Control Rows.
Control Row Types→ Control Row Interaction→Attributes only appear in the Scene Window if they are animated properties meaning a keyframe must be set in the Attribute Editor for that attribute to appear. See Control Rows - Interaction for how to set a keyframe.
Multiple UIs can be loaded at the same time providing a global view and access to multi actions.

Window UI
Search Bar
Filter the Layer UIs for their attributes. For example:
- Select 4 Shapes.
- Click the Show Selected button.
- Enter "position" into the search bar.
- Scrub
Each Shape's position.x will be set to the same value.
UI Count
An indication to show how many of the maximum number of UIs are currently loaded. When the maximum is reached, the next UI loaded will remove the UI at the bottom of the stack. The maximum can be set via the Max Attribute Editor UIs preference.
Live Mode
When Live Mode is enabled, selecting a Layer in the Scene Window will clear the Attribute Editor and load the selected Layer's UI.
Show Selected
Click this button to clear the Attribute Editor and load the selected Layer's UIs.
Clear All
Remove all Layer UIs from the Attribute Editor.
Layer UI
Dependency Graph
When a Layer has input/output connections this button will appear. Clicking it loads a popover version of the Dependency Graph.
Connection Icons
When a Layer has input/output connections, connection icons will appear here.
User Presets
See User Presets.
Layers can be made persistent by pinning them to the Attribute Editor. Set the pin icon in the title bar to its green state
to prevent the UI from being removed (e.g. in Live Mode or when Option/Alt + double clicking an layer in the Scene Window).
To remove a Layer's UI from the Attribute Editor click the x
icon in the top left of the title bar.
Working with Layers
A Layer's UI will appear in the Attribute Editor on creation. There are also several ways to load Layer UIs into the Attribute Editor.
- Drag a Layer into the Attribute Editor from the Scene Window.
- Double click on an Layer in the Scene Window.
- Turn on Live Mode in the Attribute Editor. With Live Mode on, selecting a Layer in the Scene Window will clear the Attribute Editor and load the selected Layer's UI.
Hold Option/Alt while double clicking a Layer in the Scene Window to clear out the Attribute Editor, making the new UI the only one in the window.
To learn about how to interact with the attributes see Control Rows.
On right clicking on a Layer's header bar in the Attribute Editor some or all of the options below with be available depending on the type of Layer.
Copy Layer Id - Copy the Layer's Id to the clipboard. This can be useful when writing scripts with the JavaScript APIs.
Reset all Attributes - Reset all attributes except the Gradient and Graph widgets to the default values. This will not remove any connections or keyframes.
Delete all Animation - Delete all keyframes on the Layer.
- Wireframe - When checked, Shapes will be displayed in the Viewport as a wireframe.
- Filter Time Offset - Remove all Time Offset Contexts from this calculation.
- Filter Index - Remove all Index Contexts from this calculation. This differs from Use Incoming Index as this will disable the use of the Context (in this case the Index) anywhere in the upstream compute chain for this Layer.
- Filter Position - Remove all Position Contexts from this calculation.