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Palettes are stored as human readable .json files that can be created either in-app via the Color Window or manually in a text editor.


An example palette file containing 4 color swatches:

"colors": [
"color": "#2fcd71",
"swatchName": "#2fcd71"
"color": "#ccba6e",
"swatchName": "#ccba6e"
"color": "#3aaef0",
"swatchName": "#3aaef0"
"color": "#b2b2b2",
"swatchName": "#b2b2b2"
"name": "Cavalry",
"version": 1.0

colors - an array of colors.

color - set a hex value for each color swatch.

swatchName - set a name for each color swatch. This is not currently used in the UI so can be left blank if preferred. e.g. "swatchName": ""

"name" - give the palette a name. This will appear in the Library Palette drop down.

"version" - set a version for compatibility in the future.

Storing Palettes

The default Library Palettes are stored as .pal files in:

macOS - ~/Library/Application Support/Cavalry/Palettes

Windows - C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Cavalry\Palettes

Further libraries of palettes can also be created simply by creating a new directory inside the Palettes directory above. For example, adding a directory called Scene Group inside the Palettes directory would create a new Library called Scene Group that can be accessed and loaded via the Options menu in the Color Window.


Only directories one level below the Palettes directory are supported and a directory must contain at least one palette to appear in the Color Window options.

Palettes can also be saved as part of a Project when using Project Settings. By default, this directory is @project/Assets/Palettes/.