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1.5.1 Release Notes

Release date: 2nd February 2023

1.5 Release Notes

New Features


  • Guide Layers - Set Shapes so that they are visible in the Viewport but invisible in file renders and/or pre-comps.


  • Mirror Filter - Reverse a Shape along a centre line to create a reflection.


API Module

  • delete has been renamed to deleteLayer. ⚠️ This is a breaking change.
  • deserialise has been updated to accept a json string rather than a filepath. ⚠️ This is a breaking change.
  • importScene - import a .cv or .cvc file.
  • runProcess has been updated. ⚠️ This is a breaking change - legacy scripts will error if they were using the result.
  • hasAttribute - check to see if an Attribute exists on a Layer.
  • Proxy Server - use proxies when connecting via the Web Client.
    • New setProxy
    • New setProxyBasicAuthentication
    • New setProxyBearerAuthentication
  • exists has been renamed to layerExists - exists remains for backwards compatibility but will no longer appear in the auto-complete.
  • writeToFile has a new 'overwrite' argument.
  • New invertSelection - invert the current selection.
  • importGoogleSheet now returns errors for invalid Sheet/SpreadsheetIds.
  • New addGuide, deleteGuide, clearGuides and getGuides APIs for working with Ruler Guides.

Cavalry Module

  • New Path.arcTo() - draw an arc given two points and a radius.
  • New Path.back() - set the last point in a path.
  • rgbToHex and rgbToHSV now have a new scaled argument to determine whether RGB values are input as 0..1 or 0..255.

UI Module

  • New Draw Widget - Draw custom shapes via Cavalry Path.
  • New ScrollView Widget - Control where scroll bars go in as Script's Window.
  • New Container Widget - Use these to give a Layout a background colour with rounded corners.
  • add can now take multiple arguments at once (e.g layout.add(first, second, third))
  • New onValueCommitted and onValueChanged callback functions for LineEdit and FilePath.
  • New setTextColor for LineEdit and MultiLineEdit.
  • New ui.setFixedSize - Set a fixed size for a Window.
  • New ui.setMinimumWidth - Set a minimum width for a Window.
  • New ui.setMinimumHeight - Set a minimum height for a Window.
  • New ui.setMaximumWidth - Set a maximum width for a Window.
  • New ui.setMaximumHeight - Set a maximum height for a Window.
  • New ui.setFixedWidth - Set a fixed width for a Window.
  • New ui.setFixedHeight - Set a fixed height for a Window.
  • New ui.setToolbar - Set a Window to behave like a Toolbar.
  • New ui.setVerticalToolbar - Set a horizontal (default) Toolbar Window to a vertical Toolbar.
  • New clear() for HLayout, VLayout and DropDown.
  • New previousPage - A function on PageView which will return the last page visited.
  • New itemCount() for VLayout and HLayout - Return the number of Widgets in a Layout.
  • New insertSeparator has been added for DropDown.
  • ui.resize has been removed as it was not a valid action for dockable windows. ⚠️ This is a breaking change.

Context Module

  • niceName - Get the nice name of the Layer that requested a value from the JavaScript Utility.


  • Dropdowns now auto-preview meaning that the result is interactively reflected in the Viewport before a choice is committed.
  • The Text Shape now has a Font Scale attribute under the Advanced tab. This can be used to pass the scaling applied by Shrink to Fit Text Box from one Text Shape to another.
  • Shift can now also be used to add/remove to/from selections in the Viewport.
  • The Shelf icons can now overflow when the Shelf's width reduces.

Notable Bug Fixes

  • Convex Hull is working again.
  • Shift + select keyframes in the [Time Editor](/user-interface/menus/window-menu/scene-window/time-editor) has been restored.