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Color Material Override


Material Overrides allow the materials inside complex/deep mesh structures like SVGs or Text to be edited. This can be achieved via the Sub-Mesh Behaviour's Fill or Stroke tabs.

By adding an Color Material Override to a Sub-Mesh, it's possible to blend between the original Color and the values set by the Override. A Falloff can then be added to the Sub-Mesh to control the effect.


Common Attributes +

Color - Set a color using hex or rgb values (note - only rgb values can be animated).

  1. Import an SVG into the Assets Window.
  2. Drag it in to the Viewport and choose Asset Layer from the options to create an SVG Shape.
  3. Connect a Sub-Mesh to the Deformer attribute of the SVG Shape.
  4. On the Sub-Mesh, switch to the Fill tab in the Attribute Editor.
  5. Use the + button to add an Color Material Override to the Fill Overrides attribute.
  6. Set a Color.
  7. On the Color Material Override, open the Falloff tab and right click to add a Falloff.
  8. Move the Falloff over the SVG Shape.

As the Falloff moves over the SVG, the colors of the Shapes will become the color set on step 6.

Overriding the colors in an SVG to green via a Falloff